We head into the weekend of two minds:
Dismayed that the country feels riven in the face of Friday’s cloture and Saturday’s confirmation votes on Judge Kavanaugh and elated that CtK.Campfire Alums are gathering in DC on Friday and Saturday to take CtK’s work to the next level. Maybe the contrast is appropriate, maybe these two days teach us how to hold the tension of the opposites.
So, we’re asking you as loyal antagonists: How are you managing this time? How do you view the world? How are you balancing optimism and cynicism? How are you holding the tension of the opposites?
As always, there is good news in the world.
We’re celebrating the news that National Voter Registration Day was a huge success. Don’t forget: Fourteen states have voter registration deadlines of October 9th—and the rest of the states come up thereafter. Register to vote! Help someone else register. Make a plan to get to the polls and make sure to get your friends to vote, too.
Congratulations and thank you to CtK.Campfire Alums who continue to make a difference in the world:
Eli Lehrer has the lead story in the current issue of National Affairs.
Katie Bethell named by Fortune as one of The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders.
DJ Patil profiled (on page 146) in Michael Lewis’ new book The Fifth Risk.
Heather Foster, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Jose Antonio Vargas, and DeRay Mckesson continue on the book tour trail with events around the country.
We always want to highlight the work of CtK.Campfire Alums; please let us know about your recent successes and adventures so we can share them with the broader Karass!
As we head into the weekend, we hope you find time to reflect, rest, replenish, and raise your voice. Our republic is counting on the active and positive engagement of each of us. Thank you for doing your part and for taking up the important work of cultivating the karass.