All day, the weather was horseshit.
Forgive the swearing; consider it a technical weather term. Heavy rain, occasional fog, intermittent relief for just long enough to give you hope that you’d gotten through the worst of it before cycling back to heavy rain, occasional fog. Some people got traffic, too, or darkness, or horseshit weather plus those other two, to add insult to injury.
It is nearly midnight and the last of the Campfire Fellows are slowly driving up the dark dirt road to get to cabins and yurts. Intrepid travelers rolling into their rural weekend home.
Campfire always happens in the spring and the fall. Always at the Savage River Lodge in Frostburg, MD at a remote spot (with great food and a well stocked bar) surrounded by 700 acres of state forest and excellent hiking trails. And Campfire Fellows always come with only a limited sense of what they’ve agreed to and no idea who else might be joining them for their time off-the-grid. Intrepid indeed.
Already, the Fellows’ conversation cuts to the heart of things faster than anywhere in their everyday lives. Because they know they’re here to go deep, and do it quickly, they just get after it themselves. It is amazing to watch. These leaders are game, they’re up for anything, they’re humble and brilliant and kind.
And they’re grateful. Because the word is out: Campfire is transformational and an invitation to be a Campfire Fellow is a tremendous gift.
Follow us as we head into the weekend with Cohort V. We’re excited to share the journey with you - and then track what our leaders do once they leave. We have a feeling that our democracy is in good hands.