Campfire Fellows, Cohort V! We spent an extraordinary weekend in the snowy Maryland woods with the newest Campfire Fellows. Thanks to the latest Fellows for taking the leap and for summing up so beautifully what Campfire is and means.
“It’s a powerful experience. Difficult to put into words. Hard to live out in the real world. But CtK provides the spark that makes the fire of pluralistic, robust, peaceful democracy possible. I’m deeply grateful I got to be a part, and am now a part for life.”
Campfire Alums and their expanding families: Nu Wexler had a baby! Sara El-Amine had a baby! Congratulations to both of them and their families, and welcome to the newest members of the Karass!
Campfire Alum Bishop Garrison got a new gig! Bishop was named the the Director of National Security Outreach for Human Rights First. As the Director of National Security Outreach, Bishop Garrison is Human Rights First’s chief ambassador to the national security community. He leads Human Rights First’s efforts to build partnerships with members of the military and national security communities as well as national security-focused think tanks and research institutions. He also leads the project, Veterans for American Ideals, a nonpartisan movement of military veterans who advocate American leadership on human rights. Congratulations to Bishop and Human Rights First!
Great writing about the future of work from Campfire Alum Sara Holoubek on Upskilling & Reskilling America. “The speed at which jobs are changing — sometimes due to automation, sometimes due to new business models — means that we must constantly learn new skills. A number of converging factors are making it difficult for linear education models and traditional career paths to satisfy the rapidly evolving demands of modern workplaces.”
Campfire Alum Emily Holden, writing in The Guardian, tackles health issues related to climate change in her latest reporting: Mosquito-spread diseases may endanger millions in new places due to climate change. “Half a billion more people could be at risk from mosquito-transmitted diseases within 30 years as a result of the warming climate, according to a new study … The study, published in the journal PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, finds that humans could prevent the spread of disease-carrying mosquitoes if they aggressively take actions to combat global warming.”
On a totally unrelated note, influential French artist Agnes Varda has died at age 90. She blazed trails and took no prisoners. "Women are not a minority in the world, and yet our industry says the opposite. The stairs of our industry must be accessible to all. Let's climb," she said. If you haven’t watched Faces/Places, the documentary where she and the artist JR drive all over France making art and friends, do yourself a favor and watch it this weekend. Or today. Or stop reading and go watch it right now.
Have a great weekend!