Have A Great Weekend!

If you’re like us, you’re watching (and enjoying) the US Women’s National Soccer Team putting on a clinic in the opening round of the Women’s World Cup. Maybe you’re also enjoying the spate of articles that their consistently stellar performance and consistently unequal pay have spurred on equal pay, women in sports, lingering stereotypes about women, and how much representation in leadership matters. Check them out here, here, and here.

New work and an upcoming panel from Ashley Spillane:

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Bishop Garrison & Sarah Hunt speaking this week at the 9th Annual Breakthrough Institute

Nick Troiano recently featured on How Do We Fix It? talking about Country Over Party. As Executive Director of Unite America, Nick is a leading voice of the reform movement. "We are caught in a democracy that is spiraling in a very negative direction and the question before us is how do we break that.” Among his solutions:

  • End gerrymandering. Independent commissions, not partisan legislators, would decide the shape Congressional districts.

  • Ranked-choice voting. Instead of choosing just one candidate, voters would have the option of ranking candidates according to their preference.

  • Reform primary rules, and allow independents to vote in party primaries.

  • Campaign finance reform. Allow small donors to have more influence at the expense shadowy "dark money" special interest groups.

  • Encourage support for The Problem Solvers Caucus and other bipartisan coalitions in Congress and state legislatures.

  • Voting reform. Expand polling hours, and legalize early and at-home voting. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy

Jeff Buenrostro and Lori Brewer Collins co-facilitating CtK.Leadership Academy’s 1-Day Accelerator. Space is extremely limited. Register now!

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