Have A Great Weekend!

Congratulations to Karasser Dr. Kristen Honey who was named the Director of Innovation at the Institute of Education. Pictured here with CtK Board Advisor Megan Smith.

Congratulations to CtK.Campfire Alum Katie Cahill on her new position as Healthy Appalachia Study at Howard H. Baker Jr., Center for Public Policy!

Congratulations to CtK.Campfire Alum Jose Antonio Vargas whose namesake elementary school opened today!

Sarah Hunt quoted extensively in the NYT on climate change. Read what she has to say: Three Things You Can Do: Shop, Share and Donate. And take a look at Rainey Center’s upcoming partnership to produce the inaugural Policy Colloquium.

CtK.Campfire Alum Maria Town was featured on Pod for the Cause. Disability Rights are Civil Rights. Listen in!

And take a look at the latest data from Pew Research Center. It interrogates how our conversations on social media make us feel - and our propensity to talk to people who disagree with us.

“The new survey also finds that users generally do not find common ground with others during online discussions about politics. Two-thirds of users (67%) say that discussing politics on social media with people they disagree with usually leads them to find out they have “less in common politically” than they expected. About a quarter (26%) report finding out they have “more in common” than previously thought. These shares are statistically unchanged from 2016.”

We want to know what you think. Weigh in!