Karassers in the News
Jen Pahlka joins the Volcker Alliance as a Senior Fellow, May 2020
Katie Bethell Why We Need a Paid Leave Program, Fortune, July 10 2020
Zahra Billoo-PSA for City of San Jose, April 2020
Sam Corcos at USC Marshall Grief Incubators Conference on Mentors
Wyatt Smith on “Flying Cars” at US Chamber of Conmmerce Conference, April, 2020
Emily Holden (Guardian US) interviews Sarah E. Hunt (The Rainey Center) on Climate Work, June 2020
Julie Chavez Rodriguez joins the Biden team
deRay Mckesson Washington Post Live on the Movement for Black Lives, June 10
Bishop Garrison with a ray of hope on how we get through this, May, 2020
Sarah E. Hunt discussing crime victims’ rights, environmental justice, and the implications of Joe Biden's climate plan with Stephen Lee, Bloomberg, July 2020
Campfire Alums Cori Zarek Georgetown’s Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation and Kyla Fullenwider National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) collaborated to offer a series of trainings to help adapt your local GOTV efforts to address COVID-19
Brewer Fellows in the News
Nick Troiano, How Coronavirus Could Help Heal Our Democracy, Real Clear Politics, May 2020
Cynthia Richie Terrell, RepresentWomen report on PACs & Donors and op-ed in The Hill: We're still not giving women equal opportunity to run and win
Amber McReynolds, When Women Vote Panel at the Bipartisan Policy Center
Sarah Longwell: Featured on CNN and in the New Yorker, writing in The Bulwark
Trials of a Never Trump Republican, March 2020
Republican Voters Against Trump, July 2020
What Women Want, July 2020
Added bonus: Amber McReynolds, Cynthia Richie Terrell, and CtK team member, Jen Simon, got together for a panel on women's suffrage